Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Grady do it!

(15 months) We've discovered Bailey. (No, Barb, not BAILEY'S !) Or rather, he's discovered us. He's the little shaggy dog next door and every time he hears us out now, he pops over to our house, much to Grady's delight. Its a Grady-sized dog, unlike Dixie who's three times his size. Bailey also wants to jump up and lick his face, but he can handle him a lot easier. Grady just cracks up and can't stop petting him.

We're also big on feeding ourselves, and that means a big mess too but its fun. He lets me feed him when he's really hungry, then at some point won't accept another bite unless HE'S wielding the spoon. If I try to hold the bowl so he can get a bit of applesauce, he pushes my hand away. Reminiscent of "Dottie do it" so I guess he's got a little of his mama in him after all.

Laying low this week since I'm pulling 12 days of work and trying to sleep when he sleeps. He's getting TWO MORE TEETH though so he's been a bit clingy and crabby, for him. Its the eye teeth and they've finally broken through so hopefully I'll get my cheery, chirpy boy back.

Last night I was in the bath and he wanted in but he'd already had his so I was trying to distract him. "Go get your duck" and he got it. "Go get your frog" and he got that too. "Your ball" "Your comb." He's learning so many new words, just not saying them yet :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Loves me, loves me not

15 months. Grady loves loves loves being outside! He gets a kick out of walking back and forth from the pavement to the grass and back. Wait until he discovers the "moonwalk" the moles have made of the backyard! Spent a long time examining the crocuses.

He went to the doctor for his 15 month check up. He weighs 25.5 pounds and is 32 inches long! Got his last vaccination until he's 5, by Dr.Sears alternate schedule, but we may do a couple when he's four. Still taking a cautious route with that, more afraid of autism than measles. I know they haven't shown a link but why take a chance? He can get the MMR later.

Sooo sweet last night. When he half-wakes, restless and kicking, I massage his legs from hip to toes, squeezing gently. Last night, as he fell asleep he got a hold of my arm and did the same thing with his little baby hands. Such an angel.