Thursday, April 1, 2010

Loves me, loves me not

15 months. Grady loves loves loves being outside! He gets a kick out of walking back and forth from the pavement to the grass and back. Wait until he discovers the "moonwalk" the moles have made of the backyard! Spent a long time examining the crocuses.

He went to the doctor for his 15 month check up. He weighs 25.5 pounds and is 32 inches long! Got his last vaccination until he's 5, by Dr.Sears alternate schedule, but we may do a couple when he's four. Still taking a cautious route with that, more afraid of autism than measles. I know they haven't shown a link but why take a chance? He can get the MMR later.

Sooo sweet last night. When he half-wakes, restless and kicking, I massage his legs from hip to toes, squeezing gently. Last night, as he fell asleep he got a hold of my arm and did the same thing with his little baby hands. Such an angel.


  1. What a precious post. 25.5 lbs! WOW! I love those pictures you put on there too. He is so cute with the crocuses. I like the bit about the massage too. Isn't their touch just heaven and especially when they are caressing and or massaging you. I love this time. Babies rule

  2. He just gets more and more adorable. The pics of him are precious.
