OK, Ingrid, Mom gave me your message to "get blogging!"
I had SUCH a great weekend, getting to see my nephew, visit w/family, shop IKEA and hit the Ann Arbor Art Fair. Whew. Grady had a blast at Grandma and Grandpa's, mostly playing in the pool with cousin Alex. They did pretty well together - Alex shared more easily than you would expect from a 2 1/2 year old. He did think it was hilarious to squirt Grady w/cold water from the hose which made GradyBear cry.
After the second time of "No, Alex" not working, I said (really friendly), "Hey, you want to get squirted too?" and flipped him a little water. He sucked in his breath at the cold, then pointed to the patio table and told me sternly "Go sit in your chair!" But he quit shooting the hose at the Bear.
After they'd moved on to other toys in the yard, Mom turned off the hose. Eventually, Alex picked it up, saw there was no water, turned to the adults and asked, "What's going on, people?" He's soooo cute! I'm sure I'll live to regret this, but I can't WAIT until Grady's really talking. Its so funny the things the little ones come up with!
We rounded out the weekend with some finger painting which Grady loved. For a few mintues. Note to self: don't try anything new just before nap time...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
We're so screwed! I put Grady to bed in his crib last night as usual, then was talking to Rick in the kitchen about 10 minutes later, and guess who comes trotting in with a big grin on his face? The little monkey climbed out of the crib, twice! The second time we were in our bedroom and the door pops open and there he is. 18 months old. Just throws a leg up on the top of the crib like its a balance beam and hoists himself onto his belly, then lowers himself down until he can drop to the floor. Maybe he'll be an Olympic gymnast. Or Hollywood stuntman. Or cat burglar/jewel thief.
Friday, May 14, 2010
What baby?

I posted this message on my Facebook page, "Thought I was going to have to leave Grady at the greenhouse to get all these flowers home! Great sale at Countryside Greenhouse in Allendale."
My friend Maribeth went with me to shop and we bought all we could fit on one of those garden store carts. We laid down one of seats, packed all the plants in like pros, buckled Grady in his car seat and were congratulating ourselves on a job well done when I walked around to my side of the car and a saw the stupid stroller still sitting there.
Had to unpack the whole car, squish plants in around the stroller and Maribeth wound up holding a flat on her lap on the drive home. (The picture with Grady is actually taken AFTER she unloaded her share!)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Dandelions and Boo-boos
Grady picked his first dandelion for me today. He was delighted and so was I. Unfortunately he also got his first skinned knee. Its a beautiful day and he loved running around in the grass, but occasionally, little feet trip up and down he went. Didn't seem to notice or care but he's a boy, so there you go. He had a good time stomping down on the ant hills (See? Boy!) and chasing Dixie. He also learned how to sneeze, or rather, fake sneeze. I say "Sneeze, Grady. Ah choo!" and he tilts his head back, saying "Ahhhh boo!" Super cute. Have to get that on video before he figures it out :)
Accidental Bath

Since I had a baby, I'm always running 10 minutes late. Just can't seem to get it all together and into the car on time. Same story trying to leave Mom's to go see my friend Ingrid's gorgeous watercolor she painted for me. Got Grady ready first, shoes on, done. I took a quick bath and was getting dressed in teh bathroom when I heard a thump/splash behind me. Mom's tub is pretty low and Grady was able to throw a leg over the edge and climb in. There he is, fully dressed, waist deep in the draining water, grinning. Grr. Had to start over and call Ingrid to say we'd be really late. She gets it -- she has Liesl, of course, and we had a great time, walking to lunch with the wagon. And the painting is GORGEOUS! Can't wait to see it all matted and framed.
Butterfly Boy

Catching up after a busy couple weeks. And catching butterflies. Took Grady to see the exhibit at Meijer Gardens with my friend Maribeth but I wasn't sure if he'd even notice them. He did! Right away he started pointing and smiling. He wasn't too sure about them landing on him though. We thought we had a great photo opp when one lit right on the top of his head but he made a disgusted, grumpy face and knocked it off before we could get our cameras up. Poor butterfly! "No touch! No touch!" We did torture him with a semi-dead one by putting it on his leg but we got finally some pictures.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Grady do it!

(15 months) We've discovered Bailey. (No, Barb, not BAILEY'S !) Or rather, he's discovered us. He's the little shaggy dog next door and every time he hears us out now, he pops over to our house, much to Grady's delight. Its a Grady-sized dog, unlike Dixie who's three times his size. Bailey also wants to jump up and lick his face, but he can handle him a lot easier. Grady just cracks up and can't stop petting him.
We're also big on feeding ourselves, and that means a big mess too but its fun. He lets me feed him when he's really hungry, then at some point won't accept another bite unless HE'S wielding the spoon. If I try to hold the bowl so he can get a bit of applesauce, he pushes my hand away. Reminiscent of "Dottie do it" so I guess he's got a little of his mama in him after all.
Laying low this week since I'm pulling 12 days of work and trying to sleep when he sleeps. He's getting TWO MORE TEETH though so he's been a bit clingy and crabby, for him. Its the eye teeth and they've finally broken through so hopefully I'll get my cheery, chirpy boy back.
Last night I was in the bath and he wanted in but he'd already had his so I was trying to distract him. "Go get your duck" and he got it. "Go get your frog" and he got that too. "Your ball" "Your comb." He's learning so many new words, just not saying them yet :)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Loves me, loves me not

15 months. Grady loves loves loves being outside! He gets a kick out of walking back and forth from the pavement to the grass and back. Wait until he discovers the "moonwalk" the moles have made of the backyard! Spent a long time examining the crocuses.
He went to the doctor for his 15 month check up. He weighs 25.5 pounds and is 32 inches long! Got his last vaccination until he's 5, by Dr.Sears alternate schedule, but we may do a couple when he's four. Still taking a cautious route with that, more afraid of autism than measles. I know they haven't shown a link but why take a chance? He can get the MMR later.
Sooo sweet last night. When he half-wakes, restless and kicking, I massage his legs from hip to toes, squeezing gently. Last night, as he fell asleep he got a hold of my arm and did the same thing with his little baby hands. Such an angel.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Uh uh oh!
15 months old. So cute to hear Grady chattering, you only get a few words here and there. Now when he drops something he says, "Uh uh oh!" He'll also say "ears" and "nose" when you point to them. No doubt he'll be jabbering soon enough, just like cousin Alex!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Where's your nose?
We're big on the treasure hunt these days. Grady's a man of few words so far, besides "Mama" "Daddy" and "Dissy" (Dixie), but he knows what we're talking about even if he's not saying. If you tell him, "Get your whatever" he'll get his socks, shoes, snack cup, sippy cup. Yesterday as I started looking around the living room, I said, "Where's the phone? Gotta find the phone so we can call Daddy." He ran around behind the couch where he'd hidden the phone and brought it too me. I think that's pretty good for 15 months.
We're also working on the body parts -- if I say, "Where's your nose" or ears or belly or eyes, he'll touch the right thing. And thinks the word "belly" is hilarious!
We're also working on the body parts -- if I say, "Where's your nose" or ears or belly or eyes, he'll touch the right thing. And thinks the word "belly" is hilarious!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Fry Guy
Took Grady to lunch with the girls yesterday -- and they got my picky eater to chow french fries! He's been so healthy until now, but I guess it had to happen some time. Thanks to Suzi Geha, Sue Shaw, Jenn Moss and Lisa Armstrong for that one.
Those carbs came in handy later when he pitched a fit at home. The neighbor boys came after school to take Dixie for her walk. They have a housekey and just call her from the back door and she comes running. Well, Grady happened to be standing by the baby gate and saw these people come in his house and take his dog. He looked alarmed, started pointing and yelling "Dissy! Dissy!" then burst into tears. Had to take him outside to see she was ok. Poor little guy, must have been scary.
"Wheel of Fortune" cheers him up though. He loves to clap when people applaud on TV and "Wheel" is the best! He makes the cutest little noises and gets all ramped up through out the show so that he's spinning in circles by the end of it. Too cute. Tried to get video last night, but of course, as soon as I get out the camera: nuthin'.
Those carbs came in handy later when he pitched a fit at home. The neighbor boys came after school to take Dixie for her walk. They have a housekey and just call her from the back door and she comes running. Well, Grady happened to be standing by the baby gate and saw these people come in his house and take his dog. He looked alarmed, started pointing and yelling "Dissy! Dissy!" then burst into tears. Had to take him outside to see she was ok. Poor little guy, must have been scary.
"Wheel of Fortune" cheers him up though. He loves to clap when people applaud on TV and "Wheel" is the best! He makes the cutest little noises and gets all ramped up through out the show so that he's spinning in circles by the end of it. Too cute. Tried to get video last night, but of course, as soon as I get out the camera: nuthin'.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Panty Raid, Baby!
In the first 30 minutes of our day, Dixie ate the stinky candle I got as a gift at the Girlfriends' Weekend, and while I was cleaning that up, I heard a metallic sound and a splash. There's Grady, dunking a pair of my panties into Dixie's water bowl on the kitchen floor. I'd forgotten to put it on the counter when we let Grady loose in the great room. He was cracking up, absolutely delighted with himself. Then Dixie wandered in and started grumbling unhappily, looking from me to Grady with a "Do something!" look on her face. So I got the video camera, and its hilarious! (Have to figure out how to download it here soon.)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Red, red, wiiiiine....
Apparently my kid's a sloppy drinker. I thought I'd poured a small glass of wine to unwind before bed... small until Grady swung it around, spilling red all over the carpet while I was distracted talking to Grandma on the phone. At least he DIDN'T drink it, but what a mess! I'd left it on the kitchen counter, but Rick thoughtfully set it nexgt to me on the end table by the couch while I was on the phone, and I didn't notice until it was too late.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Snow Baby!
We had so much fun this weekend, playing in the snow with Grady. He loves the sled Santa/Grandma brought him for Christmas and it cracks him up when Dixie jumps around him barking. She can't stand it, she's so excited he's playing in the snow with her too. We bundled him up so he looked like the little brother in "A Christmas Story" and he totally doesn't get the concept of mittens. Kept looking at his hands, trying to figure out what was up. One of the pictures of him smiling on the sled was used on the morning show weather segment Friday. Too cute to pass up!
My friend Alice also came to visit with her dog, Sully, Dixie's boyfriend. Grady loved the poodle! Couldn't stop touching his pom-pom head and grinning. Followed Sully all over the house, with Dixie following him to make sure everything was ok.
All the fresh air and exercise took its toll - Grady fell asleep in his high chair, mid-Cheerio.
My friend Alice also came to visit with her dog, Sully, Dixie's boyfriend. Grady loved the poodle! Couldn't stop touching his pom-pom head and grinning. Followed Sully all over the house, with Dixie following him to make sure everything was ok.
All the fresh air and exercise took its toll - Grady fell asleep in his high chair, mid-Cheerio.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Teeth: Gotta have 'em, hate getting 'em.
Poor little Bear is having major teething trouble. He broke his very first tooth at 5 months, and they've been coming in steadily. Now at 14 months, he has the eight in front, plus FOUR coming in at the same time, all molars. One's through, two are partly, and one hasn't broken the gums yet.
My usually sweet, giggly, wiggly boy is crabby, clingy, and crying. It was a long tough day yesterday - nothing seemed to soothe him. I'm alternating Motrin and Tylenol, and trying the holistic teething tabs but you can't get them in unless you pop one in when his mouth is open crying. He clamps his lips closed and turns his head. I've been sneaking the gel in by putting it on his toothbrush and letting him rub it on his sore gums. Lots of nursing, not much eating food. Doesn't want to chew on teething items either.
So, wish me luck. Ten down, twelve to go, I guess.
My usually sweet, giggly, wiggly boy is crabby, clingy, and crying. It was a long tough day yesterday - nothing seemed to soothe him. I'm alternating Motrin and Tylenol, and trying the holistic teething tabs but you can't get them in unless you pop one in when his mouth is open crying. He clamps his lips closed and turns his head. I've been sneaking the gel in by putting it on his toothbrush and letting him rub it on his sore gums. Lots of nursing, not much eating food. Doesn't want to chew on teething items either.
So, wish me luck. Ten down, twelve to go, I guess.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Getting started... a year or so later!
Thanks to Ingrid for creating this blog page - great job, huh? I'm looking forward to posting about Grady's daily changes and all the new things he's learning (notice I didn't write "post daily about Grady." Let's not get carried away!) Give me a little time to play around with the site and get comfortable, and then I'll give you all the Grady Albin info. you can handle! Thanks for checking this out, and please comment so I know what you think. Here we go!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Testing, Testing
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