Grady Bear has a cold, a real one this time. He's only ever had the sniffles for a day or two, and hardly seemed to notice. Even this real cold hasn't slowed him down much, but he's sneezing a lot, coughing enough to send us to the doctor and demanding every so often "Blow my nose, Mommy!" I heard him wheezing on the baby monitor in the middle of the night and it scared me. Sounded like someone with ashthma who needed an inhaler, and he was coughing with that deep barking sound that's kind of scary. I sat up with him the rest of the night, holding him while he slept and making sure he was ok. Doctor first thing in the morning, but I swear its like taking a car to the mechanic and it won't make "that noise" when you get there - he seemed fine, but she said croup is going around and told me what to watch for. I put on his vaporizer (so cute - shaped like a cow with the steam coming out of its ears), gave him some Benadryl and he seems to be doing much better.
Its getting really hard to blog or be on the computer at all when he's around though. As soon as he sees the laptop he shouts, "I want to see trains on the pew-tair!" Grandpa got him started watching train videos on YouTube and he's an immediate little addict. He's so funny the way he says "computer." We say he must be fancy or French because he says it (pew-tair'). Kind of like "Tar-zhay" for Target :o)
I also got my very first dandelion bouquet from my son, which was really sweet. And he's washed his first car with Daddy. Rick was only going to wash his Mustang, but Grady insisted Daddy do Mommy's car too so there you go. He had his own little sponge and bucket and we couldn't get him to stop putting soap bubbles on the vehicles, even after they were rinsed and we were trying to dry them. So I pulled out his little push car and he washed that too. Sooooo cute. And he also has his first mosquito bite - right on his neck. He keeps telling me, "I ishy, Mommy, I ishy." Poor little bug.
Love the stories and pictures. The picture of him and farmer Rick is great. What are you guys building in that pic? BTW - FIRST cold? FIRST mosquito bite?? Don't you live, like, in a forest? Expose that boy to some serious bugs and germs lady! Good for the immunity later in life when he's out all night drinkin':) Hope all is well and Grady feels better soon!