Just heard Little Bear singing to himself so I went in singing our "Good Morning to You" song and then he announces, "I'm Grady Albin and I need a new diaper." He cracks himself up, and me too. He's so giggly and cheerful in the morning. Most of the time, actually. Every night when he goes to bed we go over what we did that day, and what's coming up the next. So this morning he tells me, "We're going to lunch with the girls, then run errands, then to Home Depot (wishful thinking on his part), then to Toys-R-Us (more of the same but I'll probably cave on that)."
He's speaking really well, lots of new vocabulary every day (Rick and I have to watch those "driving words" we say when someone cuts us off. G's already repeated one of Rick's) Sometimes though it still sounds like a foreign language. He was trying to tell me something yesterday and I finally said, "I don't know what you're saying, Grady." "I know what I'm saying!" he shouted.
Its so much fun to start seeing how his little mind works. One of our favorites stories was when Rick was going for a haircut and took Grady too. When they got back, I made a big fuss over him, "Did you get a new haircut?" G: "Yes, did!" Me: "Did Daddy get a new haircut too?" G: "No, he got an old haircut!" Rick told that one at a convention on parenting in Holland and got a good laugh.
He also told Rick, "Daddy, you talk all time." For me its "Mommy kiss me all time." Guess that's not too bad.
Little man cracks me up! So glad you can be home with him and spend these special days together